Functional Fitness Bristol is releasing a professionally written home-based 6 week fat burn program for anyone looking to drop body fat and improve body composition (this is most of us let's be real). :) The program will be the perfect fit during lockdown 3.0 as there is no equipment required, minimal space and takes no more than 30min to complete each session.

The program was written for time-poor people in mind that have done some training but need a well-structured, progressive and challenging program to bring the best out of themselves.
The program consists of 3-4 x weekly 30min sessions that are packed full of the most current high intensity exercises on the market all moulded into a safe, progressive weekly structure.
This program will be most effective for the beginner-intermediate level trainer, giving exercise regressions where needed and enough progressively increasing intensity as the weeks progress from 1-6.
Results to include:
Immune system resilience
Reduction in body fat levels
Increases in lean body mass
Muscle tone & definition improvements
Expansion of aerobic and anaerobic metabolism
Increased knowledge of exercises and effective program design
Boost to motivation, accountability and self-esteem
Unofficial disclaimer: It goes without saying that the intensity of these benefits will vary from individual to individual and firmly dependant on the consistency of the individual and the nutrition plan being followed. Do not expect to get good results until the program is followed 95-100% of the time.
The program consists of 3-4 x weekly 30min sessions that are packed full of the most current high intensity exercises on the market all moulded into a safe, progressive weekly structure.
If you're interested in this 6 week home-based fat burn program and the date of release, email us or sign up to our monthly newsletter from our website for discount codes and offers across all our services.